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EXCELLENT Based on 1 reviews Rebecca Carpenter2024-06-28Verified It's totally worth your time to read this book! I was absolutely astonished by the vast amount of knowledge this book encompassed when I finished it. I can clearly see that the author could effortlessly make this into a 1000-page book if he wanted to.The feeling you get from this book is that it's from a place beyond our world. The ideas are so ahead of their time and so innovative and mysterious, it's as if they've been borrowed from the realm of future science, bringing a breath of fresh air. Adapting to our current level of evolution, they are available for anyone to use to their advantage.I gave the method for reaching my life goals a shot, and it really prevented me from taking a lot of missteps I might have taken if I hadn't familiarized myself with the main principles laid out in this book. The book covers more than just conversations with spirits, you'll be very surprised. It feels like it's ahead of its time by 500 years. The author provides insights on how to steer clear of disasters, drawing examples from the Challenger and Columbia Space Shuttles catastrophies. The reasoning and examples are so convincing that I couldn't fathom how this was overlooked.I'm blown away by the author's explanation of Seriality. He shared that he learned about this from a university lecture on the spiritual plane, I think he meant the astral plane. Initially, I had my reservations, but now I'm a true believer after trying out some things related to Seriality. I'm really keen on asking Christopher to write a standalone book on the topic.Using parabolic mirrors, the author concentrated the vitality of youth from millions of alfalfa seed sprouts into a round flask filled with water. The patent office's decision is the only thing standing between him and the official recognition of his invention.I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw how the Kirlian photographs could be influenced by the thoughts of the operator or any other visual and informational input. The astral goggles crafted from quartz orbs have such an exotic appearance. Making cancer cells self-destruct? Now that's something groundbreaking! There's this massive coil that can speed up or slow down time based on the electricity it gets. It totally gives off those Nikola Tesla vibes. The author is working on a new rejuvenation chamber that uses the same technology as microwave waveguides to rejuvenate people. The Hieronymus machine comes with thoroughly documented proof of what I can only label as miracles. There are plenty of other fascinating things to read about in this book. The credibility of the information is high for me because the author personally conducted all the experiments.These are just few brief outlines of what I found in the book. I'll read through it again and try to dive deeper into the ideas that are being explained. Totally worth it!