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By Christopher Rey


Popular Questions

Reflecting on the input from readers…

The good news is that once you’ve organized your necessities, the power of Seriality will propel you towards your goal with enormous force, even if you don’t take any additional action. However! Keep the following in mind. When you tune in to elevated vibrations (purity, etc.), you’ll be provided by Seriality with the exact means to achieve your goal through your internal and external circumstances. When you seek out your means, you focus and are naturally guided towards them. Keep your eyes and ears open, okay?

Awareness is the only thing that truly exists. We are aware of reality, indicating that there is no absolute “real” reality. The only thing that exists is pure awareness. Although you can’t feel it, you have the ability to “be” it. “Being” it, is absolute happiness that goes beyond human comprehension. You “are”, entails being both infinite and void at the same time. See the image below.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

I brought up these devices on the Presentation page: Automating Seriality can be made easier with the help of certain technical devices. I’m thinking of testing some of them in the near future. One such a device is similar to the “infinity mirror room”. The one I currently have is not only unique in its Seriality manifesting features but also aesthetically pleasing and exquisite. The second device, known as the Hieronymus machine, was originally invented by Dr. Thomas Galen Hieronymus in 1949 (US patent 2,482,773 , September 27, 1949). You can read about some of my experiences with the Hieronymus machine in this book.

I’m gearing up to write my next book about the subject of Seriality because it seems to be what most of my readers are asking for. In response to your question about skipping some information… You’re absolutely correct. The spiritual plane does impose some restrictions that keep specific information under wraps until the timing is just right. In this case, censorship involves being vigilant about not sharing information that is not yet permitted or announcing unfortunate events with specific timelines, among other considerations. You can relax! The go-ahead to share the details of the Seriality laws has already been approved.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Coming soon

Eternal am-ness, never ceases to exist, forever timeless (quote from my book “Haiku Poems About I Am”)
Symphony of Ideas, Dreams Take Flight
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